Hookah: a New Trend of Smoking Among College Students

For centuries, Eastern culture has adopted this simple yet quirky device called a hookah. Although the design and materials have changed over the years, the social function of the hookah remains the same. Few people are able to gather people (sometimes completely strangers) together in such an intimate way. The hookah has established itself in college towns, struggling to find a place in the US and European countries.


Hookah seems to have always had a place in Eastern culture. However, hookah has recently begun to gain a foothold in the United States and European countries. Just a decade ago, hookah bars or cafes were hard to find outside the cultural districts of big cities. When you look around the big university campuses these days, a strange new type of business is emerging. While some serve foreign coffee and others serve alcoholic beverages, hookah shop and bars provide today's college students with a much-needed place to unwind after a day full of study. Driven by curiosity, students are immersed in a world of pure imagination that is truly unique among the university's many hangouts.

It was created to solve the problem of hookah smokers. When heated, tobacco produces thick, almost unbearable smoke without cooling. Hookahs introduced a simple yet new way to cool off hot, pungent smoke. When a smoker inhales, the smoke first passes through the water and cools before reaching the smoker's mouth. This spontaneous experience is quite different from smoking a cigarette or cigar, and first-time hookah smokers almost always mention it.

In addition to having a cooling smoke, the tobacco used in hookahs is usually flavored. These flavors range from fruits like apple and orange to more modern flavors like bubblegum and cola. It was this feast that made hookah a favorite among college students.

Take a look around hookah bars or cafes and you'll see people clad in about a dozen or so hookahs, talking about everything from this week's tests to next year's latest cars. This simple tool has the incredible power to bring people of all backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities together. They are borderless and perform social functions with relative ease.

Business owners recognize the power of university cities. They provide businesses with a steady stream of new customers every semester. Freshmen come and seasoned students bring them to cafes and bars. This is an iterative process.

So, if you're looking for a new way to smoke, a new place to meet new friends, check out your local hookah center. You will be pleased!


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