A Look into Different Kinds of Rolling Paper

Whatever comes and goes, the act of rolling joints and lighting will never go out of fashion! That's for sure.
What makes the experience of rolling paper so memorable? Of course it's a weed. However, experienced people will agree that rolling paper makes a difference.

Here's the deal: The best rolling papers make the smokey areas smooth and easy. The best rolling paper won't leave you with an uninvited cough or bad taste in your mouth.

Rolling paper has its own flavor (or no flavor at all) and comes in a variety of sizes. Learning about rolling paper will help you build your joints better than ever.
The rolling paper determines the flavor, burning rate and softness of the joint. Now this is the part to watch out for!!

Rolling Paper

Rolling Paper Over the Years
Humans have been stoned since ancient times. However, it was only 500 years ago that rolling paper started smoking. The first paper mills were built in Spain in the 15th century. Since then, rolling paper has come a long way. Today's stoners have a variety of rolling paper options that vary in size, material, flavor, and more. Let's take a look at the most commonly used rolling paper.

How Is Rolling Paper Made?
Rolling paper is made from plant fibers such as hemp, rice straw, flax or wood pulp. Do you have any idea what difference it makes? It makes a world of difference! Taste, burning rate, and ease of joint rotation all depend on the material used. Let's take a quick look at each ingredient and you'll get a better understanding.

Hemp rolling paper is very popular among stoners these days. There are several reasons for this. They are easy to roll and, once ignited, burn at a constant rate. Besides, they don't affect the scent of your weeds. Made from the fibers of the hemp plant, it is more earth-friendly and healthier than other ingredients.

Rice Straw
Rolling paper is prepared by pressing rice. Among them, it is the thinnest rolling paper. Because it is very thin, it provides tasteless smoke and slow burning. Rice paper is a healthy alternative and one of the most sustainable materials.

You may have heard that flax seed is good for your health. Well, the plant’s fibers aren’t useless either. These are used to make rolling paper. It's not as popular as it was in the 20th century, but it's still Eco-friendly because it's made from plant fibers.

Wood Pulp
Wood pulp was one of the first rolling paper materials. They are thicker than other papers which make the rolling part easier. This paper also provides a good grip when it's wet or raining outside, or learning to roll. Also, they have a moderate burn rate.

White wood pulp is bleached, but brown paper is not. Remember, bleach may contain chemicals.

Transparent Rolling Paper
Wouldn't it be great if you could see cannabis while smoking? You can do just that with a transparent rolling paper. It is made from plant cellulose and does not contain adhesives as it sticks to the paper itself. It also burns slowly, ensuring a smooth smoking experience.


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