Beginners Guide to Buy a Hookah in India
Since the culture of hookah in India is one of relaxation, it's best to approach the process of hookah buying with patience. Research the subject, become familiar with the best materials and products, consider the aesthetics--what pleases most and will most enhance the smoking experience for you? Quality, beauty, and price are the broad parameters to consider when you set out to buy hookahs. While it's a good idea to have checked out any local retail outlets like Little Goa where hookahs are available, and to have tried various hookah pipes at a lounge, your best bet in meeting the above criteria is probably going to be to buy hookah online . There's simply a much broader range of hookahs available online, without the markup a brick-and-mortar store is forced to charge. For the hookah body, also called the vase, Pyrex glass or ceramic, or some other non-porous, tempered material, are the best. Avoid wood or copper. Bases come in sizes from small to large and a multi-hued a...