Complete Guide for Beginners: How to Use Bong

If you've never seen anyone use a water bong in person, or have only seen it from afar, this glass tool might scare you. However, they are very easy to use and very effective. In short, a water bong can cool and filter fumes to make breathing pleasant and easy. Using a water bong is one of the healthiest, easiest and cleanest ways to smoke. And they are easy to clean. Interested in how the bong works and how it is used? Don't worry we will tell you everything in this post. Learn Bong Parts The mouthpiece is the entrance to the glass bong . It's at the end of the tube where you'll place your mouth. The chamber is where the smoke collects and is inhaled. Your bowl holds the herbs you want to smoke. Some people call it a slide. Because you push it in and out of the downstem. The small tube that connects water in the bong to the bottom of the bowl is called downstem. The smoke goes through the lower stem into the water. These are the basic parts of most bongs. Some are more...